We’re here to make you look dynamite!

Take a look at the organizations we’ve worked with, and read the case studies below.

Spotlight Property Viewer


3D CityScapes, a multimillion dollar proptech company, owns and operates Spotlight Property Viewer, and the startup needed a website that showcases the many 3D interactive models they’ve created for property developers. They wanted an attractive digital presence that appealed and explained to developers the power that modelling with video game software has to market and sell properties.

After working with Dynamite Sites, 3D CityScapes now has a uniquely dynamic site that uses the beauty of the high quality renderings their tech creates to keep users enthralled as they browse through the incredible array of finished projects. This website also includes an impressive range of multimedia, including high-resolution videos and hotspot tours.

Monzi Fitness


Monica, the personal trainer at Monzi Fitness already had clients and an amazing amount of 5-star Google reviews. But still, potential client kept asking her if she had a website because some want to learn more about her services and offerings before committing.

Now, Monica has a bright, colorful, and clean website that acts as the digital face for her business. It’s not only aesthetically inviting, but it also details all her offerings, informs visitors of those amazing reviews, and pulls leads into her email marketing funnel to further nurture them to buy.

Faywood Boulevard Child Care Program


FBCCP didn’t have a website, so the administrators and board were not able to list out all the details and benefits of their programs for various age groups online in a stylish format that was easy for prospective parents to understand. They also couldn’t share the latest happenings with the current parents interested in what their children were doing in the center.

Now, FBCCP’s new website allows parents in the area to apply online without having to call first. Parents can also develop a confidence and trust in the programs by learning about the different components, like the curriculum and the meals served before they sign up. Current parents can review important documents like the handbook and explore snapshots of what’s happening in the programs through the stories and gallery photos in a members-only area of the site.

VWAT Family Services


VWAT’s original website was an outdated design lacking color and media that didn’t always display properly. It also didn’t allow for user engagement because it was only possible sign up for events or appointments via email.

Now, their new site has lovely photos showcasing the organization’s sense of community. In addition, the event calendar and appointment setting tool allow visitors to register right when they want to. They also signed on for ongoing SEO, and during the optimization of their site, VWAT got more traffic and new clients!

Fem Entity


Fem Entity is a startup by women for women, focused on improving health and wellness and supporting female entrepreneurs in that space. After long dreaming of having a robust platform that could house and nurture the community that they built, the founders of Fem Entity began developing their website, but then realized they needed help with configuring and integrating all the functionality they wanted.

Now after working with Dynamite Sites, Fem Entity offers various levels of membership that sync with its social networking features; has its own event calendar and registration and allows members to create their own events; and provides online courses. The membership, events, and courses are all connected to an e-commerce setup with a smooth checkout experience. The site is also integrated with a CRM and email marketing platform, so that Fem Entity can build its relationships with each contact or customer and easily scale when the time comes.

B2B Opps Referral Group


B2B Opps Referral Group is a community of business owners in Canada and the U.S that meet virtually and in-person. The goal of the group is to promote each other’s businesses, provide marketing opportunities, and offer support during the entrepreneurial journey.

The referral group needed a membership site with a blog, an events page, a forum and reporting forms. This user-friendly multi-tool platform allows members to stay informed easily, share content, report statistics, and attract new members – all to bolster the referral group’s success.

Deirdre Daniel


Deirdre had been imagining a website to showcase her digital art, serving as portfolio that could be incredibly useful to gain more paid engagements or simply share her work with others.

Now, Deirdre has a modern website with a minimalist aesthetic that makes her artwork pop. And if she eventually wants an online store to sell her pieces or a calendar and registration to promote her events, Dynamite Sites will be easily able to add features and functionality while maintaining the chosen design.

Miss Ruth’s English Podcast


Miss Ruth’s English Podcast required a membership site where ESL learners could enroll in online courses with lots of lessons and find their way without getting lost or confused.

Now, with the amazing power of customization that WordPress allows, Miss Ruth’s English has a range of functionality that makes the learning experience on the site superior:

  • 20+ online courses whose lessons can be navigated to individually;
  • overview of progress so learners can see which courses they completed and scores they received on quizzes;
  • option to change playback speed so the audio for listening practice can be played slower;
  • language switcher to automatically translate into multiple languages; 
  • and different memberships, where users can upgrade or downgrade their own level.

Dr. Marilyn Tran


Marilyn had wanted a website for years, and she had dreams of practicing naturopathic medicine through her own clinic. She wanted to build the site herself, but figuring that out wasn’t easy, she didn’t have the time, and the typical WordPress web designer  in Toronto can charge a lot.

Now, Marilyn’s made thousands of dollars from her first successful women’s retreat, advertised on her site, and she has all the scheduling tools to run her clinic. On top of that, through a training session, Marilyn’s learned more about editing and updating her site and taking care of security.

Vancouver Myeloma Support Group


The support group organizers had a vision for a website that could educate those newly diagnosed with myeloma and their caregivers. However, they didn’t know how to turn their Word doc with a hundred-plus pages into a properly functioning site.

After working with Dynamite Sites, this Vancouver group now has a hopeful display of life-saving information on myeloma. The support group has received wonderful feedback on their new presence, and the organizers are much more confident about using WordPress, now updating the content themselves.